House of X Book Club

Back in the day, we got together and read and talked about comic books, mainly the X-Men. Decades later, and not a lot has changed. We started at the very beginning, and are working our way through the X-Men from number one!

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7 days ago

Good Morning seekers of mystery! We have a special trat for y'all today. We are going to look into our crystal ball and talk about a world where cheese is actually good for you! Wait! It's actually something else. Cheese will always be our friend. 
Bolivar Trask will forever live in infamy as the man who created the Sentinels. At the end of the day he was hoisted on his own petard, and killed by the very mutant hunting robots he created. But, in this new reality we explore a world where he not only lives, but hugs his son, a mutant himself!
Will a world without Sentinels actually exist? Will the X-Men face this new world in their own exciting way? And what of Professor X, what new cries will he be able to commit? Listen in and find out!
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Saturday Jul 13, 2024

Welcome Hulk Lovers! I mean X-Men lovers! Of course you could see why I thought you loved the Hulk based on todays reading. 
First up is Defenders 16, featuring the Hulk. He mainly pushes our old pal Charles Xavier around in the chair, even when Doctor Strange if levitating Charles, but still! He is here! This issue has long lasting ramifications that will reach across the decades!
Next is Incredible Hulk 180! If you don't know why this issue is here, boy you are in for a treat! He's covered in gravy and cheese curd, everyone welcome to the world Poutine Man! Listen to this exciting first appearance!
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Saturday Jul 06, 2024

Welcome in children... of the Atom! We are back with another fantastic episode of the Strangest Pod if Them All! And boy, have we got strangeness for you today!
First up we travel to the distant past of 2018. We were all so innocent then. Sure, our president was a dumbass, but at least he would never tell us to do anything really stupid like drink bleach, right?!? Anyway, we are checking in on the Journey Into Mystery special titled The Birth of Krakoa!!! If you get queasy, you might want to look away as this monster island is pushed into the world. 
Next up is Defenders 15, starring everyone's favorite Deus Ex Machina, Dr. Strange! He joins forces with Valkyrie, Hulk, Professor X and  Batman, I mean Nighthawk to take on that loveable scamp, Magneto! This lays the groundwork for perhaps the biggest shift in Marvel continuity, so pay close attention! Have fun, stay safe, and avoid the nuclear facilities in your neighborhood, lest ye develop bomb sniffing toes!
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Saturday Jun 29, 2024

Welcome back book cubbites! It's time to use the X word! We are digging in on some X-Adjacent goodness this week. But if you look into the distance you can see Claremont juuuuuuust over the horizon. 
I hope you are in the mood for more Hawkeye, because he's first up here today! For some reason, he came to San Francisco and decided to dress conservatively. But in Daredevil 99, he is nothing short of a spectacular turd! I can't believe Black Widow ever put up with this jobber. Apparently the guy who worked in the darts section at Big 5 was on break.
Next we had back to the to the Avengers to see what's the happy haps with Iron Man and the crew! Magneto is here in all of his dickish glory! Today on the list of "Weird shit Eric did" we add used magnetism to make your daughter a belly dancer! Not weird and creepy at all. Plus he drugs Angel and wears his clothes. This one has it all kids!
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Saturday Jun 22, 2024

Welcome home, merry mutant madmen! We have missed you! And boy, do we ever have a special episode for you! Today we jump into the imagination stream and play everyone's favorite game... What if?!? Today we are going to talk about one from Shane's brain, "What If Captain America was a Mutant?" Will he have prehensile toenails? Will the Avengers jump him and rough him up? And what of our mutated pals themselves? All this and more on the newest episode of What If?!?
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Saturday Jun 15, 2024

Welcome back, all our favorite X-Men fans! You are clearly the best! We have another exciting episode of the HoXBC, sooooOOOooo let's dive in shall we?
   First up we dive into Avengers #104, which is the end of the Sentinels... for now! Cap and the gangtry to rescue the Scarlet Witch and save the world!Will the power of Thor and the rest of the team be enough to defeat the mutant-hunting robots? Or can Quicksilver and Larry Trask find a way to victory? Avengers Assemble!
Next up, more Avengers! Avengers #110 to be exact! Magneto is back! And he's already trashed the Uncanny X-Men...and the Mighty Avengers are next! Com join us for Magento's extremely evil version of carpool  karaoke and no issue would be complete without some dinosaurs! None of them sing though. 
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Saturday Jun 08, 2024

Once more into the weird, good mutants! Welcome back to another episode of the pod that dares to ask, "Can there ever be too much Beast?" 
On today's episode, Hawkeye is a butthole! Wait, that's all the episodes with Hawkeye in them... Vision and Scarlet Witch are here as well! Quicksilver doesn't like Hawkeye horning in on his butthole racket so he cranks it up a notch. Plus Magento shows up, so we have the aa hat trifecta!
Next up is Hulk 161, where we get our weekly dose of Beast on Beast action! Or more accurately, Beast on Hulk action, but still, there's some punches a comin'! Plus the Mimic is here, can't seem to have an X-Men appearance without one of the mutant sour puss club showing up! What sort of mischief will these three get up to? Listen in and find out!
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Saturday Jun 01, 2024

Welcome back Clubbitess! We missed you! Not enough to let you borrow the car mind you, but we did miss you! And boy oh boy, do we have a pair of X-Adjacent comics for you today!
First up is Amazing Adventures 12, where the Beast throws down with Iron Man! See, back in the day, Iron Man wasn't the heavy hitter he is now, so catching fists from a newly transformed Hank McCoy wasn't so outside his wheelhouse! BUT, the ladies still loved him, even back when he smelled like a moonshine still!
Next up is Avengers number 102! Hawkeye is creepy, Vision has a family reunion, and Quicksilver is a butthole! All this and the Black Panther too!
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Saturday May 25, 2024

Welcome back book club clubbers, I hope the world is treating you well! We have more weird, wacky, wild stuff for your ear holes today, so let's get weird! And wacky! Don't forget wild!
Today we are taking you all on a pair of Adventures that are Amazing! Amazing Adventures 10 and 11 to be exact! First up, we finish up our story of Magneto and Black Bolt as the buddy cops no one knew we wanted! Wait, that's not even remotely true! Actually they fall in love! Nope, wrong again! I guess you will have to listen to see what really happens!
Ten in Amazing Adventures 11, The Beast really does fall in love! And considers modeling for cream rinse ads on the television! All this and murder by moonlight! What are you waiting for? Fire up the transistors and get to listening!
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Saturday May 18, 2024

Welcome back book Clubbers, as we continue our journey into X-Related pulpy fiction! We have a couple of good ones today, so join us, won't you?
First up if Fantastic Four 104, continuing where last episode left off! Once again, Magneto is unable to keep his mouth shut about his plans and dicks it up for 20 pages or so. Will his antics bring things to a head between Atlantis and the rest of the world?!?
Next up is Amazing Adventures 9! Inside, The Inhumans inspire Rob Zombie to write one of his biggest hits ever! Not really, but Black Bolt get the whammy put on him by everyone's (or at least Rob's) favorite mutant!  Will multiple costume changes help the Inhumans free their ruler? Join us and find out!
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Welcome Blue Retrievers!

Sorry, just trying to dodge those pesky copyright laws! We have gathered you all here today to talk about the X-Men. From the very beginning! All our favorite mutants live on an island that is also alive and once tried to kill them. But fences have been mended, and things have been going pretty good for our genetically superior friends. But things have not always been all cocktails and polyamory for Cyclops and his pals. So we go back to the very beginning to see how we got to 2023. And we start 60 years ago! X-Men number one to be exact. Hear what we like, dislike, and what confuses Shane. Which is a lot. 

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